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It's Holiday! It's Christmas

Jessie Chan

Here's come My second blog! (the first is being posted by Mishaal, hope you have enjoyed it)

Today is the first day of our sem break! Our first semester is almost done (some of us might still have exams on Jan to end this semester)!But... It's holiday! It's time to have fun! Have you been to the Christmas Market held in Exeter Cathedral? It have been opening since the 16th November and till the 19th December (this Thurs). If you haven't visit there yet, it's time to visit there now (in our holiday)! The atmosphere there is fantastic and I am sure you all will enjoy it a lot! Why not grab a break between studies and go there and enjoy the festive events ?

There's are different shops with festival products and also handmade products. If you are already bored with those shops in Exeter, you will find yourself enjoy shopping in these shops which is really different from the high street shops.

If you want to try out more different kind of festive food, remember to leave some space in your stomach here! There are many shops selling different kind of hot food and drinks, it is always nice to have some hot food and drinks while you are walking and shopping outdoor, especially in such a windy and cold weather. There are plenty of choice here, don't miss it out!

If you fancy some alcohol, mulled wine or mulled cider could be your choice in a windy and cold night here. If you feel like you want fresh brain for studying, there is still mulled juice to be chosen! And the reason why I am introducing this to you is not only getting a hot drink in cold weather but the idea of using reusable cups, its cost you 50p and you can get the cup home which is a plastic that can held warm water! Its nice enough for a 50p cup and help with environment, right?

Lastly, I am here wishing all of you have a Merry Merry Christmas and happy new year! See you guys in the next fruitful year!

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