Crochet has been on the fashion radar for a while now, becoming popular during the first Covid lockdown period (remember that?). Everything from bucket hats to bikinis, the crochet community on social media has rapidly expanded since we heard Boris make that first announcement. People have created instagram accounts, TikTok channels and even their own small side hustles with their crochet creations and you can easily do this too. The handcraft essentially consists of creating lots of varieties of knots using yarn and a crochet hook, and these knots can result in some fun, independent and unique additions to add to your spring/summer wardrobe.
Although initially quite daunting, crochet is actually fairly simple once you master the basic stitches and knots (trust me, I’m speaking from experience). Once you have the foundation stitches mastered, you can build and create almost anything you like - you’ll be creating that bucket hat that is trending on your spring/summer Pinterest board in no time. I’m not going to lie to you, you are probably going to have to rewatch certain youtube videos more than a dozen times but you will get there in the end - it took me ages to understand how to use a crochet hook but now I use it like it is my 11th finger. The addiction will start and never stop.
Tempted by this and want to give it a try? Here are five top tips to help and guide you in the right direction:
1. Patience.
First things first, be patient. Like any new skill, finding it hard at first can make you want to quit as you feel as if you are not making any progress. You may find yourself at loose ends, feeling like maybe this new hobby isn’t for you, torn between the decision to ditch or not ditch the stitch. This happened to me. Three weeks into learning I gave up due to immense amounts of frustration but then decided to retry as, at the time, Covid wasn’t going anywhere and I knew I needed something to distract me from the situation that was 2020. And then I got the hang of it and haven’t stopped since.
TOP TIP: Maybe meet up in a group of friends to start learning, this way you can moan about how difficult it is together and work on it as a group. There is also most likely a knit/crochet society at your university (there is one at Exeter University!) which you could consider joining.
2. Thick yarn
My second tip is a personal preference however I think it would be useful to share with beginners. What you will probably find difficult about crochet is how small the hook and the yarn appear - it may be fiddly and hard to handle (this sensation may speed up your desire to quit and resort back to scrolling through TikTok - however, I have an option for you…). What I found helps, is to start off with a larger crochet hook and thicker yarn, this way you can clearly see what the stitches look like and form an idea of how crochet stitches are created and what they look like. By using thicker yarn, it is easier to get the hang of the stitches without the process being too fiddly (with smaller hooks and yarn, this can be the case). For instance, for my first successful crochet piece I used chunky yarn with a 6.5mm crochet hook; this is by no means a necessity, but something I would recommend for those starting out.
EQUIPMENT: Worried about investing in materials? Panic not. Crochet is great for those on a budget as all you need to get started is a crochet hook, some yarn, scissors and a needle (all which you can easily find for under £10). I would also recommend checking out your local charity shops as they usually have yarn and materials for even cheaper than the high street.
3. Crochet community online
Like everything these days, your best source of advice and inspiration is online (you’ve probably already got a Pinterest board of crochet creations you want to create). As you are probably aware, the crochet community is not lacking at all, there is a limitless amount of creators and small businesses who all share the same love for this handcraft. Musician and fellow creative, @henripurnell on Instagram goes against the norm and creates the most addictive instagram reels (I’m a little bit obsessed); his account is one to check out for fun, creative projects such as his most recent creation of a crochet flower bouquet. Alternatively, Bella Coco on youtube is the place to be if you are a complete beginner - she creates short and very detailed videos of how to start out. These are the accounts I turned and continue to turn to for inspiration and advice on the process and latest projects.
Also bear in mind, crochet projects vary in difficulty. Maybe opt for a smaller project to begin with, and not launch in with the ambition to recreate the Harry Styles cardigan, for example. Some good beginner projects include coasters, coffee cozys, pillows ,basic scarfs and headscarves (find some videos below):
Videos above: Winding road crochet and Brunaticality on Youtube.
4. Pinterest: get pinning
I’m not sure why I’m including this as a tip as I’m sure many of you are already on board the Pinterest train, but if you're not I’d definitely recommend making a Pinterest account to find inspiration for crochet! It is a great way to find new projects and even patterns created by different creators.
5. Exeter Fashion Society
Follow our instagram and keep updated for workshops. We are innately biased but follow our socials to keep up to date on society events (@exefashionsociety) and what we are up to as we may host ‘crochet related' socials where you can get involved for free!
But it is not just us out there, here are some other crochet accounts I’d recommend checking out for inspiration (remember: all these talented people started out as beginners at some point, so you can too!):
I hope this has at least inspired some of you to pick up a crochet hook as, I can speak from experience, if you stick at it it can turn out to be a fulfilling, relaxing hobby - one that, at the same time, can produce vivid additions to your spring/summer wardrobe. We would love to see and share your crochet creations if you do end up creating anything, send us your pictures on instagram and we would love to share them!
Article by Anabel Judd