Euphoria: the show that was on everyone's lips this summer. And by on everyone's lips I mean quite literally: whilst the dark, gritty teen drama starring Zendaya and Hunter Schafer is a standout show in its own right, it's the makeup that really got people talking. The expressionistic, fearless looks featuring graphic liner, colourful shadow and LOTS of gems added an extra dimension to the characters and the aesthetic of the show. Needless to say, this style of makeup has blown up in recent months and become something of a trend, even making a bold appearance in S/S20 fashion weeks all over the world, at brands such as V FILES and Pyer Moss.
Of course, this makeup has been around for a long time. Artists like Lady Gaga have been wearing bold and unusual makeup and fashion looks for years, and makeup moguls such as Pat McGrath have built their brand around such colourful and powerful looks. Drag queens also deserve recognition for pioneering these rhinestoned, neon, colourful styles. Nevertheless, Euphoria brings these looks to a more accessible audience and it certainly is a refreshing break from the overwhelming amount of YouTubers and Instagrammers all creating the same look.
Now, we are seeing an attitude to makeup that is a lot less about looking perfect and much more about self-expression. You don't have to have straight lines and perfectly blended shadows. Instead, this new movement is all about being yourself, expressing yourself in any way that you want. Rhinestones all over the face? Go for it! Colours that you've been told are clashing? So what? Wear them together! Makeup doesn't have to be restrictive, and you certainly don't have to play by the rules. It's meant to be freeing, and it's meant to give you the opportunity to show your art. When I wear makeup, it's not necessarily to make myself look better, but to get creative. Your face is a canvas, and this new beauty trend has exposed us all to the endless possibilities that you can create on it!
Of course, as the makeup artists on the set of Euphoria would themselves admit, some of these looks are perhaps not practical in the real world. After all, within the world of the show they are meant to represent a fantastical escape for the characters. This is not to say, however, that you cannot take inspiration from these looks into your everyday life. All over Instagram, makeup artists and fanatics are discovering new ways in which they make these looks their own. Below are a few examples, but the best way is to experiment for yourself and find the styles that match your personality. That is what this trend is all about - being yourself, completely and imperfectly. So, get out your rhinestones and have fun!
Words by Claudia George